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Dr. Jun Zhu Gave the Report on Air Pollution In the US Related to Animal Agriculture

Date:2020-08-13 | Visitcount:733

On the 11th of August, 2020, Dr. Jun Zhu, a professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas, gave a general report on Air Pollution In the US Related to Animal Agriculture. The event was host by Cheng Meng.

Prof. Jun Zhu's research mainly focuses on waste treatment technologies for protecting air and water quality related to animal production, renewable energy production technologies, bioconversion of wastes into value-added products. During the past 10 Years, he has published more than 120 papers and achieved lots of research awards. such as The University of Arkansas College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher Award (2016). National Excellence in Multistate Research Southern Region Award by the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors for Project Number S-1032. etc. Prof. Zhu is the Editor in the “Plant. Animal. and Facility System” Division for the ASABE Refereed Journals since 2015.

This presentation focused on the current air pollution issues associated with animal production in the US. To respond to the air pollution issues. an international organization. Council of Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), prepares science-based issue papers on emerging or current agricultural related topics for the use of policy makers, agricultural organizations, environmentalists, and the public, which was briefly touched on in this presentation. Regulations developed by the US federal government and the States on some air pollutants such as odor was discussed. The GHG emissions from animal production in the US were compared to the global emissions. A detailed comparison among the major animal species raised in the US was made including poultry, dairy cattle, beef cattle, and swine, leading to brief discussions of the two large. multi-state efforts funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the animal industry in the US to control and monitor air pollution emissions. The presentation concluded with a brief introduction of the US Higher Education system including the total number of universities and colleges as well as the total student enrollment, college entrance exams, admissions, and application procedures for both undergrad and graduate students. A short description of the University of Arkansas was also be included as to its location in relation to the big tourism cities. students' enrollment. colleges and schools. etc. A short slide view of several well-known tourist favorite places was also be presented. Students all showed gratitude to Dr. Jun Zhu’s sharing and helping them learn more.

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